
OLTH: Innovative digital system automates cold chain management at the Thessaloniki port

 [[{“value”:”RTE’s GRASP automated refrigerator monitoring platform, combined with WRAD II Bluetooth® wireless devices, significantly upgrades the Thessaloniki port’s reefer container management, ensuring optimized performance and efficiency.
OLTH S.A. is the…

OLTH: Innovative digital system automates cold chain management at the Thessaloniki portΗ ΝΑΥΤΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗ

“}]] [[{“value”:”RTE’s GRASP automated refrigerator monitoring platform, combined with WRAD II Bluetooth® wireless devices, significantly upgrades the Thessaloniki port’s reefer container management, ensuring optimized performance and efficiency.
OLTH S.A. is the…
OLTH: Innovative digital system automates cold chain management at the Thessaloniki port – Η ΝΑΥΤΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗ”}]]  Κοινωνία 

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